You’re MarketingKind with Minter Dial on empathy and AI

'77% of CEOs believe that if they are too empathic, they'll be​ perceived as being weak. I would characterise it as entirely the opposite. Being empathic can be a sign of great strength.'

This was one of the many brilliant insights shared by Minter Dial in our You’re MarketingKind on whether AI can help make us more human.

It was a fascinating discussion that left me considering the implications for communities like ours and all of the businesses that our members lead.

I greatly enjoyed learning more about the distinction between affective and cognitive empathy. And the video clip below also includes the case uses and questions that we should be asking ourselves when bringing AI into our businesses to increase empathy.

If you would like to learn more I recommend reading Minter's book Heartificial Empathy here. His recent White Paper on Making Empathy Count is available here. And you can explore his other work and podcast here.

Minter’s full introduction is available for members in The Library (login required).


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